exports.starts = (string, literal, start) ->
literal is string.substr start, literal.length
This file contains the common helper functions that we’d like to share among the Lexer, Rewriter, and the Nodes. Merge objects, flatten arrays, count characters, that sort of thing.
Peek at the beginning of a given string to see if it matches a sequence.
exports.starts = (string, literal, start) ->
literal is string.substr start, literal.length
Peek at the end of a given string to see if it matches a sequence.
exports.ends = (string, literal, back) ->
len = literal.length
literal is string.substr string.length - len - (back or 0), len
Repeat a string n
exports.repeat = repeat = (str, n) ->
Use clever algorithm to have O(log(n)) string concatenation operations.
res = ''
while n > 0
res += str if n & 1
n >>>= 1
str += str
Trim out all falsy values from an array.
exports.compact = (array) ->
item for item in array when item
Count the number of occurrences of a string in a string.
exports.count = (string, substr) ->
num = pos = 0
return 1/0 unless substr.length
num++ while pos = 1 + string.indexOf substr, pos
Merge objects, returning a fresh copy with attributes from both sides.
Used every time Base#compile
is called, to allow properties in the
options hash to propagate down the tree without polluting other branches.
exports.merge = (options, overrides) ->
extend (extend {}, options), overrides
Extend a source object with the properties of another object (shallow copy).
extend = exports.extend = (object, properties) ->
for key, val of properties
object[key] = val
Return a flattened version of an array.
Handy for getting a list of children
from the nodes.
exports.flatten = flatten = (array) ->
Delete a key from an object, returning the value. Useful when a node is looking for a particular method in an options hash.
exports.del = (obj, key) ->
val = obj[key]
delete obj[key]
Typical Array::some
exports.some = Array::some ? (fn) ->
return true for e in this when fn e
Helper function for extracting code from Literate CoffeeScript by stripping out all non-code blocks, producing a string of CoffeeScript code that can be compiled “normally.”
exports.invertLiterate = (code) ->
out = []
blankLine = /^\s*$/
indented = /^[\t ]/
listItemStart = /// ^
(?:\t?|\ {0,3}) # Up to one tab, or up to three spaces, or neither;
[\*\-\+] | # followed by `*`, `-` or `+`;
[0-9]{1,9}\. # or by an integer up to 9 digits long, followed by a period;
[\ \t] # followed by a space or a tab.
insideComment = no
for line in code.split('\n')
if blankLine.test(line)
insideComment = no
out.push line
else if insideComment or listItemStart.test(line)
insideComment = yes
out.push "# #{line}"
else if not insideComment and indented.test(line)
out.push line
insideComment = yes
out.push "# #{line}"
out.join '\n'
Merge two jison-style location data objects together.
If last
is not provided, this will simply return first
buildLocationData = (first, last) ->
if not last
first_line: first.first_line
first_column: first.first_column
last_line: last.last_line
last_column: last.last_column
last_line_exclusive: last.last_line_exclusive
last_column_exclusive: last.last_column_exclusive
range: [
Build a list of all comments attached to tokens.
exports.extractAllCommentTokens = (tokens) ->
allCommentsObj = {}
for token in tokens when token.comments
for comment in token.comments
commentKey = comment.locationData.range[0]
allCommentsObj[commentKey] = comment
sortedKeys = Object.keys(allCommentsObj).sort (a, b) -> a - b
for key in sortedKeys
Get a lookup hash for a token based on its location data. Multiple tokens might have the same location hash, but using exclusive location data distinguishes e.g. zero-length generated tokens from actual source tokens.
buildLocationHash = (loc) ->
Build a dictionary of extra token properties organized by tokens’ locations used as lookup hashes.
exports.buildTokenDataDictionary = buildTokenDataDictionary = (tokens) ->
tokenData = {}
for token in tokens when token.comments
tokenHash = buildLocationHash token[2]
Multiple tokens might have the same location hash, such as the generated
tokens added at the start or end of the token stream to hold
comments that start or end a file.
tokenData[tokenHash] ?= {}
if token.comments # `comments` is always an array.
For “overlapping” tokens, that is tokens with the same location data
and therefore matching tokenHash
es, merge the comments from both/all
tokens together into one array, even if there are duplicate comments;
they will get sorted out later.
(tokenData[tokenHash].comments ?= []).push token.comments...
This returns a function which takes an object as a parameter, and if that object is an AST node, updates that object’s locationData. The object is returned either way.
exports.addDataToNode = (parserState, firstLocationData, firstValue, lastLocationData, lastValue, forceUpdateLocation = yes) ->
(obj) ->
Add location data.
locationData = buildLocationData(firstValue?.locationData ? firstLocationData, lastValue?.locationData ? lastLocationData)
if obj?.updateLocationDataIfMissing? and firstLocationData?
obj.updateLocationDataIfMissing locationData, forceUpdateLocation
obj.locationData = locationData
Add comments, building the dictionary of token data if it hasn’t been built yet.
parserState.tokenData ?= buildTokenDataDictionary parserState.parser.tokens
if obj.locationData?
objHash = buildLocationHash obj.locationData
if parserState.tokenData[objHash]?.comments?
attachCommentsToNode parserState.tokenData[objHash].comments, obj
exports.attachCommentsToNode = attachCommentsToNode = (comments, node) ->
return if not comments? or comments.length is 0
node.comments ?= []
node.comments.push comments...
Convert jison location data to a string.
can be a token, or a locationData.
exports.locationDataToString = (obj) ->
if ("2" of obj) and ("first_line" of obj[2]) then locationData = obj[2]
else if "first_line" of obj then locationData = obj
if locationData
"#{locationData.first_line + 1}:#{locationData.first_column + 1}-" +
"#{locationData.last_line + 1}:#{locationData.last_column + 1}"
"No location data"
Generate a unique anonymous file name so we can distinguish source map cache entries for any number of anonymous scripts.
exports.anonymousFileName = do ->
n = 0
A .coffee.md
compatible version of basename
, that returns the file sans-extension.
exports.baseFileName = (file, stripExt = no, useWinPathSep = no) ->
pathSep = if useWinPathSep then /\\|\// else /\//
parts = file.split(pathSep)
file = parts[parts.length - 1]
return file unless stripExt and file.indexOf('.') >= 0
parts = file.split('.')
parts.pop() if parts[parts.length - 1] is 'coffee' and parts.length > 1
Determine if a filename represents a CoffeeScript file.
exports.isCoffee = (file) -> /\.((lit)?coffee|coffee\.md)$/.test file
Determine if a filename represents a Literate CoffeeScript file.
exports.isLiterate = (file) -> /\.(litcoffee|coffee\.md)$/.test file
Throws a SyntaxError from a given location.
The error’s toString
will return an error message following the “standard”
format <filename>:<line>:<col>: <message>
plus the line with the error and a
marker showing where the error is.
exports.throwSyntaxError = (message, location) ->
error = new SyntaxError message
error.location = location
error.toString = syntaxErrorToString
Instead of showing the compiler’s stacktrace, show our custom error message (this is useful when the error bubbles up in Node.js applications that compile CoffeeScript for example).
error.stack = error.toString()
throw error
Update a compiler SyntaxError with source code information if it didn’t have it already.
exports.updateSyntaxError = (error, code, filename) ->
Avoid screwing up the stack
property of other errors (i.e. possible bugs).
if error.toString is syntaxErrorToString
error.code or= code
error.filename or= filename
error.stack = error.toString()
syntaxErrorToString = ->
return Error::toString.call @ unless @code and @location
{first_line, first_column, last_line, last_column} = @location
last_line ?= first_line
last_column ?= first_column
if @filename?.startsWith '<anonymous'
filename = '[stdin]'
filename = @filename or '[stdin]'
codeLine = @code.split('\n')[first_line]
start = first_column
Show only the first line on multi-line errors.
end = if first_line is last_line then last_column + 1 else codeLine.length
marker = codeLine[...start].replace(/[^\s]/g, ' ') + repeat('^', end - start)
Check to see if we’re running on a color-enabled TTY.
if process?
colorsEnabled = process.stdout?.isTTY and not process.env?.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS
if @colorful ? colorsEnabled
colorize = (str) -> "\x1B[1;31m#{str}\x1B[0m"
codeLine = codeLine[...start] + colorize(codeLine[start...end]) + codeLine[end..]
marker = colorize marker
#{filename}:#{first_line + 1}:#{first_column + 1}: error: #{@message}
exports.nameWhitespaceCharacter = (string) ->
switch string
when ' ' then 'space'
when '\n' then 'newline'
when '\r' then 'carriage return'
when '\t' then 'tab'
else string
exports.parseNumber = (string) ->
return NaN unless string?
base = switch string.charAt 1
when 'b' then 2
when 'o' then 8
when 'x' then 16
else null
if base?
parseInt string[2..].replace(/_/g, ''), base
parseFloat string.replace(/_/g, '')
exports.isFunction = (obj) -> Object::toString.call(obj) is '[object Function]'
exports.isNumber = isNumber = (obj) -> Object::toString.call(obj) is '[object Number]'
exports.isString = isString = (obj) -> Object::toString.call(obj) is '[object String]'
exports.isBoolean = isBoolean = (obj) -> obj is yes or obj is no or Object::toString.call(obj) is '[object Boolean]'
exports.isPlainObject = (obj) -> typeof obj is 'object' and !!obj and not Array.isArray(obj) and not isNumber(obj) and not isString(obj) and not isBoolean(obj)
unicodeCodePointToUnicodeEscapes = (codePoint) ->
toUnicodeEscape = (val) ->
str = val.toString 16
"\\u#{repeat '0', 4 - str.length}#{str}"
return toUnicodeEscape(codePoint) if codePoint < 0x10000
surrogate pair
high = Math.floor((codePoint - 0x10000) / 0x400) + 0xD800
low = (codePoint - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00
Replace \u{...}
with \uxxxx[\uxxxx]
in regexes without u
exports.replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes = (str, {flags, error, delimiter = ''} = {}) ->
shouldReplace = flags? and 'u' not in flags
str.replace UNICODE_CODE_POINT_ESCAPE, (match, escapedBackslash, codePointHex, offset) ->
return escapedBackslash if escapedBackslash
codePointDecimal = parseInt codePointHex, 16
if codePointDecimal > 0x10ffff
error "unicode code point escapes greater than \\u{10ffff} are not allowed",
offset: offset + delimiter.length
length: codePointHex.length + 4
return match unless shouldReplace
unicodeCodePointToUnicodeEscapes codePointDecimal
( \\\\ ) # Make sure the escape isn’t escaped.
\\u\{ ( [\da-fA-F]+ ) \}